What it does
eaZySign is a platform developed with the goal of offering customers a complete end-to-end solution of eID functionalities, integrated in a framework where Zetes acts as a trusted third party by ensuring the integrity of the signing operations:
- Signing is done via the Belgian electronic identity card (regular eID, Foreigner Card, Kids ID), dedicated equivalent PKI cards as well as other nation’s eID (upon request).
- Documents are easily uploaded/downloaded over web services
- Access to eaZySign is OS-agnostic (Windows, Mac OSX, iOS, Android) and hardware-agnostic (pc, tablet, phone)
- Signatures are set following a certified, ergonomic, well-defined but still customizable procedure with graphic signature proof
- Zetes commits to a shared liability for placed signatures (what you see is what you sign – WYSIWYS principle)
eaZySign is all inclusive
- TCO*: cash out for set-up, license fee, signing operation, timestamp, maintenance (personnel), infrastructure (server, bandwidth) and support
- eaZySign = all inclusive, no hidden costs
- TRO*: indirect cost (risk) due to improper legality resulting in imposed lawsuits and claims.
- eaZySign = all inclusive, covers all risks
What's in it?
By providing a simple and secure solution for eSignature, eaZySign can benefit to any company who is interested in replacing paper document flows by automated eID applications, amongst others in the following industries:
- Banking & Insurance
- Telco & Utilities
- Government & Administrations
- Rental
- Healthcare
- Employment Agencies
- Real Estate
- Certification & Audit companies
- Retail
- Etc.
The main advantages for your business are:
- Decrease in operational / administration costs
- Decrease in paper/mailing costs
- Speeding up your processes
- Short integration time
- Peace of mind thanks to qualified signatures placed using a certified process of a solid, reliable partner
- Pay-per-use (no cure, no pay), so no investment risk
As a business, it is also important that you can offer added value to your customers. They benefit from:
- The absence of administrative tasks: signed contracts are available online upon request.
- The speeding up of the transactional process (quicker access to the item the contract was signed for).
- An ergonomically lean procedure, with clear proof of the undertaken actions.
- Peace of mind thanks to qualified signatures placed using a certified process of an arbitrary, third party independent from the other contractor.
Use Cases
Faster processes and peace of mind
A reputed Private Banking Company equips both internal and external staff with iOS devices for use of the company applications and network. The externals, often visiting customers to discuss financial plans and contracts, use a home-made iPad application for their external operations.
If needed, contracts and agreements are made ready for signing through the iPad application. The signer’s names (1 or more) are filled in using the eID + the document is foreseen from signing fields where a signature is needed.
Once prepared, the document is automatically posted on the eaZySign platform. The native eaZySign PDF viewer is seamlessly integrated in the customer’s application (using the same graphical interface).
The document is reviewed and signed within the eaZySign application. The completed signature action is afterwards visualized on the signed PDF document. At the end of this process the signed document is sent back to the back-office application of the Private Banking Company.
As most signed documents reflect a relatively high value, the liability aspect of the eaZySign solution was of critical importance to our customer. Processes are much faster and the company enjoys peace of mind.
This workflow is only step. The ultimate goal is to automate as many different processes as soon as possible.
A single application for different OS platforms
A well-known Insurance Broker works with very different dependent or independent brokers to sell their insurance solutions.
As the larger part of independent brokers ‘bring their own device’, a sales selling application needed to be enabled on all different OS platforms (Windows, Mac OSX, iOS and Android).
The goal of the integration of the eID components into the application (both available on fix and mobile devices) was to read out eID data and transfer them to the insurance application, building an insurance commitment and allow to sign them afterwards anytime anywhere, using any possible device.
The advantages are big, as a contract is made and signed instantly, at the customer or in the broker’s office. The process is extremely fast and abolishes all supplementary costs the old paper process implied.

eID Card Readers
Extra compact, equipped with pin-pad or compatible with tablets & smartphones,... ? Choose the right Card Reader according to your needs